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Our Story

The Link Between Us

Light plays a very important role in our connection with the environment. while performing our daily activities under daylight; at night, the light reflected from the moon guides us in the dark. Sometimes we gather around the light of a fire and socialize. We experience completely different feelings when we sit under a light in our cozy homes, or when creating an artist's work under the light of a table lamp, or in the light of a lit candle at a romantic dinner. In this context, while light illuminates our living spaces, it presents us with one of the basic dynamics of the user experience. Lighting design, on the other hand, reinterprets the relationship of disciplines such as architecture and interior design with light.

Ween, which set out with simple and calm design approach, is an independent lighting design office. It aims to provide users new experiences with light, while increasing the comfort of life by considering daylight and artificial light as a design element such as color, material and texture.

Our Story






Enes Furkan Güçyener
Lighting & Interior Designer

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He was born in 1994. He graduated from Istanbul Bilgi University as an Interior Designer in 2019. He has gained various work and internship experiences in many design disciplines such as architecture, interior and product design since his undergraduate period. Then, he turned to the field of lighting design. In 2018, he started working at LAB1 Lighting Design & Consultancy company in Istanbul, Türkiye. Here, he took part in many projects on sports areas , health and education centers, museums and retail around the world. Meanwhile, he started his graduate education at Istanbul Technical University and completed it at SUPSI University in the Italian canton of Switzerland. Here he experienced Swiss and Italian design approaches. Then, in 2022, he started working as a lighting designer at Cristian Miola Lighting Design in Milan, Italy. Here he mostly worked on retail and renovation projects. He continues to carry out lighting projects at Ween Lighting Design & Consultancy, which he is the founder of.

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